10 Awesome Interactive Marketing Examples to help you enhance your Marketing game

AR shopping isometric landing page, web banner

In today’s digital age, marketing has evolved to become more interactive and engaging. Interactive marketing is a powerful way for businesses to connect with their target audience, create memorable experiences, and build lasting relationships. By engaging customers in two-way communication, interactive marketing can increase brand awareness, improve customer engagement, and drive sales.

To help you stay ahead of the competition and take your marketing game to the next level, we’ve compiled a list of awesome interactive marketing examples. These examples showcase how some of the world’s most innovative companies are using interactive marketing to create engaging and immersive experiences that captivate and delight their audience.

From augmented reality to gamification, these interactive marketing examples demonstrate the power of creativity and innovation in marketing. By incorporating these techniques into your own marketing campaigns, you can enhance your brand’s visibility and relevance, engage your audience in a meaningful way, and ultimately drive conversions and revenue.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketing professional, these interactive marketing examples will inspire you to think outside the box and take your marketing game to the next level. So, let’s explore some of the most awesome interactive marketing examples out there and learn how you can apply these strategies to your own marketing campaigns.

1. Interactive Series

Interactive Series

You can connect with your audience through an interactive series by allowing them to answer queries in real-time. This new content effectively creates a sense of urgency among the users. This will eventually help you boost your engagement rates.

Reference: Netflix’s next interactive series lets you kill Bear Grylls

We don’t anticipate seeing mountain lions tearing through Bear Grylls’ body since, you know, he’s a real guy. However, it appears that we will be able to determine the threats he encounters, how he avoids or deals with them and a range of “good” or “poor” results.

2. Infographics


An infographic is the visual representation of data that makes the information easily understandable for the users. Make sure your infographic is appealing enough to excite your audience. You won’t be able to drive traffic for your infographic if it doesn’t offer value to the audience.

An interactive infographic is a visually compelling content that utilizes graphic elements to convey complex data. It is paired with interactive features like surveys, animations, quizzes, and external links. It is a significant part of the future of informational content. Interactive content can express and promote identity and a brand voice.

3. Conversational Marketing

Examples Of Conversational Marketing Done Right

Conversational marketing uses dialogue-driven tactics to interact with your website visitors. You can set chat boxes to allow users to customize their own experiences to get their required information on your website quickly.


Conversational marketing is dependent on one-to-one interactions across multiple channels in real-time. This kind of marketing evaluates your customers’ preferred media and alters your tone of voice accordingly. It enables you to improve your online customer experience and foster customer relationships by customizing and communicating interactions online. Live chat, chatbots, and messaging apps allow these personalized conversations.

4. Blogging


Blogging is one of the most leveraged ways to engage with your audience. Use short and compelling blog posts to keep your customers updated with your latest deals &offers. Effective blogging is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. It drives traffic to your website and generates new leads for your organization. It nurtures those leads and gives improved insight into your customer base. Blogging is cost-effective and yields measurable results in terms of positive ROI.

The power of blog marketing comes from the effect of a few viral blog posts. News also travels quickly via blogs. People choose interesting stories and blog about them. Their readers then spread the word to others as well. Blog marketing presents an excellent opportunity for businesses. However, it can be dangerous as creators often do not have any control over the message that is getting spread. 

5. Virtual Courses

Young woman working from home

Through a virtual course, you can explain to your users how to use a specific product or service to the best of its potential. You can either post your virtual courses on different video hosting platforms or could place them directly on your website. Digital marketing has become a vast and popular subject with the rise of areas like social media, e-commerce, and web analytics. How we popularize goods and services has altered dramatically, and it continues to develop at its own pace. Choosing virtual courses lets you explore some of these emerging and established areas to add to your existing one or to build a new career.

6. Personalized 'Thank you' Videos

Personalized 'Thank you' Videos

Sending short, customized thank you videos to your customers each time they purchase will build your brand value and help you retain your customers. There are several advantages of sending out personalized thank you videos in emails; it makes your prospects feel appreciated. They will probably be more connected with you and your brand when you send a video of yourself thanking them for their purchase. It’s a good chance for organizations to show off their values and culture while showing appreciation at the same time.

7. Immersive Videos

Immersive Videos

Immersive videos offer a 360-degree view of surroundings captured in a video recording. These videos are shot using multiple cameras, all shooting simultaneously. Through an immersive video, you can make your users feel like they are present in the video’s surroundings. Effective, captivating, memorable and powerful videos cannot stay within the confines of the everyday. They break out of the box and create an immersive experience that attracts your attention. Putting a video on your homepage is not enough. This is more about creating extraordinary video-led experiences. Great digital experiences are interactive and personal. They change the consumer’s perception and buying behaviour and also influence recommendations. 

Immersive video experiences transform the ways businesses connect with their audience. In fact, videos are the best form of digital communication. They cut through the noise and provide these experiences as they are about personal connections. It replicates the human experience much better than any other digital medium. However, merely delivering videos is not enough. The focus must be on engaging your audience, giving them a good experience, and motivating them to take that next step.

8. Playable Video Game Ads

Playable Video Game Ads

Creating playable video game ads will surely help you earn new customers if you are a video game creator. This will allow your customers to participate and experience the game rather than just viewing it.

Playable video games let users try a sample of your app before installing it. After trying out the gameplay, users get hooked and then install. After which, they gain access to the whole experience. 

9. Interactive Voice Ads

Interactive Voice Ads

Interactive voice ads are a recent introduction in the field of marketing. These ads ask the users questions and then use AI to create personalized experiences for each customer based on their responses. Audio ads are getting more interactive, asking listeners to pay attention during ad breaks from their music or podcasts and to engage with ads by clicking their screens—or even talking back.

Interactive voice advertising lets brands engage with customers nicely. Brands can now speak with customers in their own voice and carry out decent conversations that let the consumers interact by speaking in their natural language.

Conversing with a brand and the joy of being heard creates emotional experiences and is memorable. This builds loyalty between brands and consumers and offers a new opportunity to forge connections.

10. Surveys and Questionnaires

Surveys and Questionnaires

A questionnaire is a research tool comprising a series of questions. These will help you collect valuable customer feedback and showcase that you value your customers’ opinions. They can also be thought of as a type of written interview. They can be carried out by telephone, face to face, or by computer. Having questionnaires is a relatively quick, cheap and efficient way of gathering large amounts of information from a significant sample of people.


Questionnaires can measure the attitudes, behavior, preferences, intentions and opinions of many subjects more quickly and frantically than other methods. It uses both closed and open questions to collect data. This is beneficial as it means quantitative and qualitative data can be obtained.


Interactive marketing, integrated with conversational marketing tools – like the use of social media platforms, is a solid asset for modern enterprises. It helps overcome numerous challenges involved in remote collaboration. It also helps bring consumers and staff closer together even when they’re far away from each other. This makes it a powerful asset to a crisis communication strategy. Most importantly, it helps make customers feel more connected with your brand and create relationships, which is the essence of effective conversational and interactive marketing